About The Project
The Alaska FiberOptic Project will connect up to 21 communities along the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers with high-speed fiber-optic internet networks, creating new opportunities for rural Alaskans.
Multi-Phase Project
In the fall of 2021, Calista Corporation, Doyon Limited, Gana-A 'Yoo Limited, and Alaska Communications submitted grant funding applications to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to install a fiber-optic network to communities along the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers.
So far, three of four desired project segments have received funding; the upper Yukon River to Ft. Yukon, from Ft. Yukon to Circle, Venetie, and Chalkyitsik, and the lower Kuskokwim River portions. Completion of the three funded segments will result in connecting 15 Alaska communities. The partners are committed to seeking funding to complete the remaining unfunded segment.
Alaska Communications began the permitting process in January 2023 and plans to complete construction of segment one by the end of 2025 and segment three by the end of 2026. Check our news section for the latest updates.
“Access to high-speed, reliable internet can be life-changing for a community, enhancing the delivery of health care and education, and opening doors for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Many of our rural, Alaska Native communities for too long have found themselves without the broadband connectivity that most Americans take for granted. I’m glad to see the significant federal infrastructure dollars we secured being deployed to break down the digital divide and improve the lives and well-being of thousands of Alaskans.” – Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Upper Yukon River: Connecting Fort Yukon to Tanana
On August 8, 2022, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded Doyon, Limited a competitive grant to install a fiber-optic network connecting five villages in the Doyon region to affordable broadband service. NTIA representatives made the announcement in Tanana.
The collaboration between Doyon, Limited and Alaska Communications will be the foundation for expanding broadband to communities in the region.
Fiber-optic cable will be installed to each home in the communities. Community institutions such as schools, clinics, tribal and village corporation offices, stores, and businesses will also be connected.
Upper Yukon – Funded
Total Length: 445.6 Miles
Terrestrial Length: 135.0 Miles
Underwater Length: 310.7 Miles
The Yukon River project's fiber line will travel from Fairbanks, flanking the Elliot Highway to the Yukon River Bridge. From the bridge, fiber will be embedded in the channel of the Yukon River upstream to Fort Yukon, and downstream to Tanana.
Stevens Village
Upper Yukon River: Connecting Venetie, Chalkyitsik and Circle
On September 19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded Tanana Chiefs Conference a $35 million grant from the department’s ReConnect Program to bring broadband to three underserved interior communities.
Alaska Communications will build, operate and maintain the network and service.
Fiber-optic cable will be installed to each home in the communities. Community institutions such as schools, clinics, tribal and village corporation offices, stores, and businesses will also be connected.
Upper Yukon – Funded
The terrestrial fiber network will begin in Fort Yukon and extend to Venetie and Chalkyitsik. Submarine fiber cable will be placed in the Yukon River to connect Fort Yukon and Circle. Residents and businesses will receive Gigabit speeds through a fiber-to-the-home connection.
Middle Yukon River Segment: Connecting Tanana to Ruby and on to Upper Kalskag
Spanning over 400 miles of the Yukon River, the Middle Yukon River Segment provides a critical service link to the Upper Yukon River and Lower Kuskokwim River segments.
The collaboration between Gana-A 'Yoo, Limited, Tanana Chiefs Conference and Alaska Communications, if funded, would be the foundation for expanding broadband to communities in the region.
Middle Yukon Segment – Unfunded
Total Length: 436.4 Miles
The Middle Yukon Segment's fiber line is planned to join the Upper Yukon River Segment at Tanana and travel downstream in the Yukon River to Holy Cross. An overland terrestrial fiber line will proceed south to the Kuskokwim River village of Upper Kalskag, joining there with the Lower Kuskokwim Segment connection to Napaskiak.
Holy Cross
Lower Kuskokwim River: Connecting Upper Kalskag to Napakiak
On October 6, 2022, the Calista Corporation was awarded an NTIA grant to install fiber-optic network in the Lower Kuskokwim River region.
The collaboration between Calista Corporation and Alaska Communications will be the foundation for expanding broadband to communities in the lower Kuskokwim River region.
Fiber-optic cable will be installed to each home in the communities. Community institutions such as schools, clinics, tribal and village corporation offices, stores, and businesses will also be connected.
Lower Kuskokwim Segment – Funded
Service Area: Upper Kalskag to Napakiak
Total Length: 180.3 Miles
Terrestrial Length: 51.3 Miles
Underwater Length: 129.0 Miles
This project phase will connect communities of the Lower Kuskokwim Segment, and is planned to eventually link the Kuskokwim and the Lower Yukon Segment by means of terrestrial connection from Upper Kalskag to Holy Cross (on the Yukon River).
Lower Kalskag